Snooker billiards and the basics for beginners

Snooker billiards and the basics for you when coming to play at billiard clubs.

If you just want to play this type of game for fun and entertainment without playing in regular tournaments, here are some basic rules for snooker billiards for you.

  1. Billiard equipment

Similar to other types of hole billiards, you also need a billiard table with 6 net pockets and the only difference is the number of balls used to play the snooker with 22 balls divided into 3 groups: white, 15 colored balls red and 6 different colored balls. Each colored ball will bring different score values ​​from 1 to 7, namely Red = 1, Yellow = 2, Green = 3, Brown = 4, Blue = 5, Pink = 6 and Black = 7.

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  1. Whoever scores more points wins

Different from playing 8 ball billiards and 9 ball billiards, snooker billiards determine a win or lose based on the number of points that the player scored. The player’s score will be accumulated based on the number of balls the player hits in the hole. Each marble will have a corresponding number of points, when no more marbles on the table, the two sides will see who scores more, the winner belongs to that person.

  1. Decide who to fight first

Depending on the agreement of the party, which one to choose first to fight first However, the player must hit the red ball first, otherwise, the red ball will count as a foul.

  1. Alternating groups of red marbles – colored balls

Similar to other types of billiards, the player must pocket a ball in their turn to continue, but different in that he is required to hit the red ball first in their turn then continue. Colored marbles group. This will be repeated until the player has beaten all pairs of red balls – colored or fouled. When the number of red balls is on the table, the colored balls hit in the hole will be picked up and repositioned.

Note, when the whole red ball is no longer on the table, the player must play the colored balls in the order of the score from low to high if any player hits the wrong order, it is also a violation.

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  1. Switching

When the first player to take the turn loses, the back player must play the red ball in the net and continue to play the colored ball and repeat as in section 5.

  1. Finish the game

The game will end when there is no other ball than the cue ball on the table, then the two sides will compare to see who scores more, that person will win the game. However, there are some cases where the two sides agree to compare the current score of the two sides to score even though there are still goals on the table.

These are just general things for you to play with your friends at clubs, if you want to play in regular tournaments, you should carefully study the rules of the game in this category.