Browse our latest posts below and keep up on the industry. We will try to post all things related to billiards, including tournament information, player information, new brands, news and other updates as we find them. Browse our most recent posts below to learn more!
Back in the 13th century there was a king named Louis the XIV. He was a rebel compared to his father Louis the XIII. Louis Jr. didn’t much care for rain and he wasn’t afraid to make his servants do something about it. You see, rain had some pretty negative effects on Louis lawn […]
Billiard games like pool are amazing games that most people don’t really know much about. For example, most people are unaware that billiards is actually a family of distinct games and not just a fancy snob word for pool. Pool is arguably the most recognizable billiards game, at least in the United States, but […]
As with any game, in pool their are many misconceptions that or myths that plague the game. These myths may deter people from getting better or strengthening their basic game, or even from picking the game up in the first place. It is unfortunate that some of these myths are floating around, but this is […]